Duty Free Border Downtown | Peter Justesen Company - Diplomats

Travel Retail Operators

Travel Retail Operators

Peter Justesen Company - Diplomats

Peter Justesen Company A/S is based in Denmark and are one of the largest suppliers of duty-free and tax-free goods to persons entitled to Diplomatic privileges. The head office is based in the freezone of Copenhagen port, from where goods are shipped around the world to individual Diplomats or Overseas Embassies.

The product range is extensive and it includes the traditional duty-free selection of liquors, tobaccos, perfumes and cosmetics. But, there is a growing market for tax-free electronics, especially televisions and phones. This company is one of the few retailers where you can buy duty free iPhones without paying sales taxes, but only accredited persons are allowed to buy these products. A similar rule applies to the purchase of tax-free TV's or other electronics, such as iPads, tablets and laptops and sometimes the shipping cost may outweigh the cost of buying locally. This Company even sell electrical home appliances for overseas shipment.

If you are affiliated to, or directly employed by a Military Organisation, Governmental Body, United Nations or Associate, NGO or a recognised Charity Organisation, you may be allowed to buy such items duty-free at discount prices, without paying any local tax. The best way to find out if you qualify for these allowances, is to contact your employment organisation or direct with this company.

The duty free on arrival global search 'App' for phone and tablet is now available in Android version beta v1, we are working hard to make it the best travel shopping site and mobile App available, the Apple/iOS version will follow soon. You will be able to search the globe from your phone for duty-free shops at your destination, on planes, boats, airports or border stores. To download the app click the image below to check before you fly!