Duty Free Border Downtown | Vinumport Duty Free

Travel Retail Operators

Travel Retail Operators

Vinumport Duty Free

Vinumport Duty Free is a local retailer operating cross-border stores on the frontier between the USA and Canada. They have six stores in the Upstate New York area, a transit location from the USA en-route to Montreal and Quebec Province in Canada. Border shopping is available for all those crossing from one country to another and it is very popular with Canadians, due to the high taxes on alcohol, wines, spirits and tobaccos. This Firm sell a good quality selection of products, especially wines and aged whiskys, tobaccos and perfume is also available.

There are numerous such outlets on both sides of this 4000 mile border catering for the extensive traffic. Gradually the store owners are starting to introduce their web pages and pre-order facilities and once operational, online border shopping will be able to speed up the transit progress. It will also allow you to check and compare duty free prices before your journey, so you can plan your route accordingly.

The duty free on arrival global search 'App' for phone and tablet is now available in Android version beta v1, we are working hard to make it the best travel shopping site and mobile App available, the Apple/iOS version will follow soon. You will be able to search the globe from your phone for duty-free shops at your destination, on planes, boats, airports or border stores. To download the app click the image below to check before you fly!